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Amplifying IP’s Value through Measurement

Thought Leadership

A New Era of Metrics for IP Quality

A lack of data, common definitions across industries, and capacity have made better ways to measure IP than quantity difficult to implement. Closing these gaps lets IP practitioners communicate the importance of their work to the C-suite and secure the funding they really need to do their jobs.

  • Challenges

    Why proving the ‘success’ of intangible assets such as IP is less straightforward than other business metrics

  • Stakes

    The resulting “persuasion gap” that exists when conveying the role of IP to company leadership compared to other teams

  • Framework

    KPIs by particular stages of the IP asset lifecycle and North Star categories of business value, efficiency, and engagement.

  • Mission

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  • Mission

    Bacon ipsum dolor amet esse velit duis, commodo voluptate labore fatback ut andouille pork loin prosciutto. Kommodo voluptate labore fatback ut andouille pork loin prosciutto.

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